Alexey Trofimov es un fotógrafo ruso que pasó más de tres años intentando obtener una foto de las focas en el hielo. Parece demasiado tiempo pero la verdad es que estos animales son muy escurridizos y tímidos y son muy difíciles de fotografiar.

PIC BY ALEXEY TROFIMOV / CATERS NEWS - (PICTURED: An adorable seal pup, Lake Baikal, Russia.) - This adorable seal cub was more than happy to pose for a picture, so much so he even waved at the photographer. With its fluffy white fur, big glassy eyes and friendly wave, this icy seal pup is cute enough to melt even the coldest of hearts. Photographer Alexy Trofimov snapped the seal while on an expedition to Lake Baikal in Russia. Alexy, 45, said: The photos were taken from different distances, I managed to get fairly close to the pups. For the seals, I came on foot. - SEE CATERS COPY

Para su sorpresa las fotos que consiguió fueron mucho mejores de lo que esperaba. Se le acercó una preciosa cría que, según ha explicado en Caters News, es más fácil de fotografiar cuando son pequeñas: "Si una cría de foca no está demasiado asustada, comenzará a tener curiosidad por ti y esto es lo que este pequeño estaba haciendo".

PIC BY ALEXEY TROFIMOV / CATERS NEWS - (PICTURED: An adorable seal pup, Lake Baikal, Russia.) - This adorable seal cub was more than happy to pose for a picture, so much so he even waved at the photographer. With its fluffy white fur, big glassy eyes and friendly wave, this icy seal pup is cute enough to melt even the coldest of hearts. Photographer Alexy Trofimov snapped the seal while on an expedition to Lake Baikal in Russia. Alexy, 45, said: The photos were taken from different distances, I managed to get fairly close to the pups. For the seals, I came on foot. - SEE CATERS COPY

El ruso dice que "fue un momento muy raro y especial", sobre todo por la dificultad del momento. Asegura que "las fotos fueron tomadas desde diferentes distancias, pero logró acercarse bastante a ellos". Trofimov confiesa que su tarea es "mostrar no sólo la belleza, sino también la fragilidad del mundo que nos rodea".

PIC BY ALEXEY TROFIMOV / CATERS NEWS - (PICTURED: An adorable seal pup, Lake Baikal, Russia.) - This adorable seal cub was more than happy to pose for a picture, so much so he even waved at the photographer. With its fluffy white fur, big glassy eyes and friendly wave, this icy seal pup is cute enough to melt even the coldest of hearts. Photographer Alexy Trofimov snapped the seal while on an expedition to Lake Baikal in Russia. Alexy, 45, said: The photos were taken from different distances, I managed to get fairly close to the pups. For the seals, I came on foot. - SEE CATERS COPY

El resultado de sus tres años de trabajo es impresionante y ha conmovido a las redes sociales.
